Parking regulations are in effect and enforced 24/7. Our Campus Parking Management Plan outlines in detail the policies, procedures, and regulations that govern parking on the Keuka College campus.
Parking Registration, Decals and Violations
All members of the Keuka College community who wish to park on campus must register their vehicle with the Office of Campus Safety and obtain a valid parking decal for the year. Prices for students vary, depending on how many semesters you plan to utilize campus parking:
- Residential and Commuter Students Fall and Spring Semesters - $170, Spring Semester only - $85
Please review our parking map to see the designated lots for students, employees, and other visitors. Those who do not follow our outlined parking policies and regulations may be subject to parking violations. All violations must be paid within 7 days of the violation's written date.
If you'd like to appeal a recent parking violation, please complete and submit our Parking Appeal Form.
After Hours Open Parking Applies to Faculty and Staff Lots
Students—Please remember that after-hours open parking (from 3 p.m - 8 a.m.) applies only to faculty/staff lots. Visitor lots/spaces are not open to students. Lot O is always closed to student parking. Lots L and X are reserved for commuter students, faculty, and staff. Violators will be ticketed.
Please refer to the following schedule:
- Monday’s 3 p.m. start ends Tuesday at 8 a.m.
- Tuesday’s 3 p.m. start ends Wednesday at 8 a.m.
- Wednesday’s 3 p.m. start ends Thursday at 8 a.m.
- Thursday’s 3 p.m. start ends Friday at 8 a.m.
- Friday–Sunday’s 3 p.m. starts on Friday and ends Monday at 8 a.m.
Parking Violations
Anyone violating the parking rules as we have outlined will not only find a written notice on their vehicle but will be emailed a notification. This email will include links which can be used to either pay the appropriate fine online or appeal the citation. Fines can also be paid in person at the Student Accounts Office in the basement of Ball Hall.
All fines must be paid within seven days. Drivers will face the loss of parking privileges and the prospect of having their vehicle towed off of campus if they:
- Accumulate $150 or more in unpaid fines.
- Accumulate more than three parking citations within three months.
- Allow parking fines to go unpaid for 105 days.
- Drivers will be notified at least twice to remove their vehicle before it is towed. All towing will be at the driver’s expense.
All members of the Keuka College community must register their vehicles and obtain a parking decal from the Office of Campus Safety. Parking fees for students are $75 per semester or $150 per year.
Parking Violation Amounts
- $150: Parking in a fire lane or within 20 feet of a fire hydrant; illegally parking in a handicap space.
- $75: Parking in an Admissions office visitor’s space.
- $50: Parking in an unauthorized lot, a no-parking zone, a visitor’s parking spot, or a closed or reserved lot; parking on a lawn or pavement; not having a valid pass or decal; blocking a driveway or walkway; and exceeding a 10-minute limit.
Policies and Regulations
The following policies and regulations have been adopted to maintain a safe and orderly movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic on campus and are fundamental to the comprehensive parking management plan of Keuka College. Remember that parking on campus is a privilege, not a right.
Drivers must use authorized parking spaces and lots, obey lawful instructions of College Security Officers, and comply with all regulations of the New York State Vehicle & Traffic Law and the Keuka College Parking Plan.
- Continued failure to abide by traffic and parking rules and regulations may result in disciplinary action and revocation of parking privileges.
- Parking rules and regulations are in effect from the first day of classes through graduation and are enforced 24-hours a day, 7-days a week.
- The speed limit on campus is 10 MPH.
- No overnight parking (midnight to 6 a.m.) in visitor spaces.
- Removal, damage, or possession of Keuka College parking and traffic signs will result in disciplinary action and revocation of parking privileges.
- Parking on campus is by classification in color-coded lots.
- Lack of available parking in a desired area is not a valid excuse for violation of these policies and regulations.
- Vehicles may not park in areas/spaces that are reserved for specific purposes, e.g. handicap, fire personnel, loading docks, and service vehicles.
- Parking is not permitted on lawns or in fire lanes, driving lanes, or intersections.
- Driving on campus sidewalks and lawns is prohibited. Only emergency, commercial delivery vehicles on official business, and College service vehicles are permitted access to the sidewalks and lawns. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of Campus Safety officers for special events.
- Short-term parking is available in designated areas for loading or unloading vehicles, picking up or discharging passengers, or making quick deliveries. Short-term parking spaces are limited to 10 or 30 minutes (refer to posted signs) and four-way flashers must be on.
- All vehicles parked on campus must be legally registered in a U.S. state or Canadian province. Abandoned and unregistered vehicles may be towed away at the owner’s expense.
- On occasion, the College may close portions of parking lots due to weather or to accommodate visitors to sports or special events. Keuka College will provide the College community with advance notice and parking instructions by signs, e-mail, and/or other appropriate announcements.
- Any requests for temporary suspension of the above policies and regulations must be made in advance to the director of campus safety.
- As necessary, the College may modify these policies and regulations in the best interests of the campus community.
Parking concerns may be submitted to Campus Safety by using the Keuka College Parking Concern Form.
Anonymous parking concerns can also be submitted through the CampusShield app.